How much does Phil Collins make in royalties?
Billboard estimated that Collins’ publishing royalties alone averaged around $6.2 million USD ($9.65 million AUD) annually. That’s a pretty hefty sum, and it’s just his publishing royalties!
But what exactly are publishing royalties?
Publishing royalties are payments made to songwriters and music publishers whenever their music is used. This could be for anything from radio play, to streaming on services like Spotify, to use in a TV show or movie, to a live performance.
It’s important to remember that this figure only represents his publishing royalties. It doesn’t include any income from his record sales, touring, or any other ventures.
So, how does a songwriter get to a point where they are earning millions in publishing royalties? It boils down to a combination of things:
Hit Songs: Collins has written and recorded a lot of iconic hits like “In the Air Tonight” and “Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)” – these songs continue to generate a lot of revenue through ongoing use.
Popularity and Longevity: Collins’ music has stood the test of time. It’s been covered by other artists, used in countless movies and TV shows, and continues to be popular worldwide.
Smart Management: Having a good team to manage your songwriting rights is key. They negotiate the best deals for your music and ensure you get paid your fair share for its use.
It’s safe to say that Phil Collins has built a successful career that continues to generate significant income for him, and his publishing royalties are a major contributor to his financial success.
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